Hands to Help Seniors
Many Seniors Missing Out On CalFresh (Formerly Food Stamps)
by Richard Kuehn on 12/04/19
The Monterey Herald recently published a sad article stating
that 1.6 million Californians who are eligible for CalFresh (28%) don't receive
this assistance. The reasons are
many. A 61-year old home caretaker in
Oakland was cut off last year after her paperwork was lost. Out of work, she can no longer afford
groceries. Another woman, 62 years old,
told The Herald that she won't apply for food stamps because it might prevent
her from qualifying for U.S. citizenship.
College students and seniors are among the groups most likely to miss
out on the aid that they qualify for.
For seniors in California, just 19% get assistance compared with 42% on
the national level.
Senior Housing Outpaces Demand, Baby Boomers Staying At Home
by Richard Kuehn on 11/03/18
The supply of senior housing has
soared in recent years, outpacing demand despite the number of baby boomers
that are retiring. Many seniors are
staying put, remaining in their own homes.
The market has added 85K units since the end of 2012, up from less than
60K units in the six years prior, according to the National Investment Center
for Seniors Housing & Care. Another
thing impacting the lack of demand for senior housing is that baby boomers are
staying fitter and in better health than prior generations. Research shows that people tend to move into
senior-living facilities after they hit 82.
The oldest baby boomer won’t turn 80 until 2026.
New Antibiotics Discovered
by Richard Kuehn on 02/14/18
There have been very few new antibiotics to hit the market in recent years, but plenty of antibiotic-resistant viruses which has frustrated hospitals. There is hope, however. Scientists discovered in a bag of backyard dirt a powerful new group of antibiotics that they say can wipe out many infections including microbes that have currently been resistant to current antibiotics that are on the market. Researchers at Rockefeller University reported the discovery of what are called malacidins in the journal Nature Microbiology. It is the latest in a series of promising antibiotics that scientists have found by using innovative genetic sequencing techniques which allow them to screen thousands of soil samples for bacteria that previously couldn’t be grown or studied in the laboratory. Rockefeller University scientists found the malacidins only after sifting through 1,500 soil samples.
Do your Christmas Shopping at smile.amazon.com and a percentage goes to Hands to Help Seniors
by Richard Kuehn on 12/08/16
Holiday shopping is easy with Amazon's Holiday Gift Guides.
#StartWithaSmile at smile.amazon.com
for your holiday gifts and Amazon donates to Hands To Help Seniors Inc. |
Dementia Patients Aided By Music
by Richard Kuehn on 09/26/16
Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia is a terrible condition, robbing you of memories and the people that you love. Researchers have found that one way to ease the pain is with music. Dan Cohen started an organization called Music & Memory (see www.musicandmemory.org) which can help a loved one connect with the world by bringing personalized music into their lives. The non-profit uses volunteers to bring digital music to the elderly to improve their quality of life. One man could barely speak and literally came alive after they started playing music that he loved. What a wonderful contribution to his quality of life. If you haven’t seen the movie, I highly recommend the documentary “Alive Inside.”