Caregivers For Alzheimer's And Hospice Patients Will Benefit From Hospice Giving Foundation And Alzheimer's Association Presentation On August 14th At Noon
by Richard Kuehn on 08/03/15
The Hospice Giving Foundation and the Alzheimer's Association present the Hospice Foundation of America's 2015 Living with Grief Program "The Longest Loss : Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia" on August 14 from noon to 3:30 p.m. There will be a discussion at the Alzheimer's Association's Ryan Ranch Facility At 21 Lower Ragsdale Drive in Monterey with local experts including:
Dr. Leslie Foote, Family Medicine;
Helen Hempel; Elder Law Attorney;
Katya Kuska, MSW, VNA and Hospice; and
Bonnie Bollwinkel, LCSW, Alzheimer's Association.
CEUs are provided by Hospice Foundation for $15.00.
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